Section: New Results

Statistical Model Checking

Participants : Axel Legay, Sean Sedwards, Benoît Boyer, Louis-Marie Traonouez, Kevin Corre.

This section covers Tasks 4 and 5 of the action. It consists in developping Simulation based techniques and efficient statistical algorithms for SoS.

The use of test cases remains the default means of ensuring the correct behaviour of systems in industry, but this technique is limited by the need to hypothesise scenarios that cause interesting behaviour and the fact that a reasonable set of test cases is unlikely to cover all possible eventualities. Static analysis is more thorough and has been successful in debugging very large systems, but its ability to analyse complex dynamical properties is limited. In contrast, model checking is an exhaustive technique that verifies whether a system satisfies a dynamical temporal logic property under all possible scenarios. For nondeterministic and probabilistic systems, numerical model checking quantifies the probability that a system satisfies a property. It can also be used to quantify the expected cost or reward of sets of executions.

Numerical model checking gives precise, accurate and certain results by exhaustively exploring the state space of the model, however the exponential growth of the state space with system size (the `state explosion problem) typically limits its applicability to “toy” systems. Symbolic model checking using efficient data structures can make certain very large models tractable. It may also be possible to construct simpler but behaviourally equivalent models using various symmetry reduction techniques, such as partial order reduction, bisimulation and lumping. If a new system is being constructed, it may be possible to guarantee the overall behaviour by verifying the behaviour of its subcomponents and limiting the way they interact. Despite these techniques, however, the size, unpredictability and heterogeneity of real systems usually make numerical techniques infeasible. Moreover, even if a system has been specified not to misbehave, it is nevertheless necessary to check that it meets its specification.

Simulation-based approaches are becoming increasingly tractable due to the availability of high performance parallel hardware and algorithms. In particular, statistical model checking (SMC) combines the simplicity of testing with the formality of numerical model checking. The core idea of SMC is to create multiple independent execution traces of a system and count how many satisfy a property specified in temporal logic. The proportion of satisfying traces is an estimate of the probability that the system satisfies the property. By thus modelling the executions of a system as a Bernoulli random variable, the absolute error of the estimate can be bounded using, for example, a confidence interval or a Chernoff bound. It is also possible to use efficient sequential hypothesis testing, to decide with specified statistical confidence whether the probability of a property is above or below a given threshold. Since SMC requires multiple independent simulations, it may be efficiently divided on parallel computer architectures, such as grids, clusters, clouds and general purpose computing on graphics processors (GPGPU).

Knowing a result with less than 100% confidence is often sufficient in real applications, since the confidence bounds may be made arbitrarily tight. Moreover, a swiftly achieved approximation may prevent a lot of wasted time during model design. For many complex systems, SMC offers the only feasible means of quantifying performance. Historically relevant SMC tools include APMC, YMER and VESTA. Well-established numerical model checkers, such as PRISM and UPPAAL, are now also including SMC engines. Dedicated SMC tools under active development include COSMOS and our own tool PLASMA. Recognising that SMC may be applied to any discrete event trace obtained by stochastic simulation, we have devised PLASMA-lab, a modular library of SMC algorithms that may be used to construct domain-specific SMC tools. PLASMA-lab has become the main vehicle of our ongoing development of SMC algorithms.

Our group is devising cutting edge techniques for SMC. In particular, we are developing new learning algorithms (Sect. 6.4.3 ), algorithms for nondeterministic systems (Sect. 6.4.1 ), and algorithms for rare events (Sect. 6.4.2 ).

Algorithms for Nondeterminism

Nondeterministic models are of fundamental importance in defining complexity and are useful models of concurrency optimisation problems. This latter application is of particular importance in the context of systems constructed from subsystems (“Systems of Systems”) that interact in an unpredictable way. Verifying or optimising such systems is problematic for numerical techniques because the state space is typically intractable. Nondeterminism is challenging for simulation-based techniques because, by definition, an executable semantics is not determined.

We have thus begun a line of research to develop SMC algorithms for nondeterministic systems. Our initial focus is Markov decision processes (MDP), however we are in the process of extending our work to various nondeterministc timed automata. Recent attempts to provide approximative algorithms for MDPs either do not address the standard verification problems, consider only a “spurious” subset of the standard problems or contain significant misconceptions and limitations.

In [28] , we presented the first complete set of scalable SMC algorithms for MDPs. Our techniques are based on the idea of encoding a history-dependent scheduler as the seed of a pseudo-randomised hash function. Schedulers are thus chosen at random by selecting random seeds. The possibly infinite behaviour of the scheduler is completely encoded in 𝒪(1) memory. We presented simple sampling algorithms to find optimal schedulers and constructed the statistical confidence bounds necessary to find the optima of multiple estimates.

In [34] we devised the notion of “smart sampling” to dramatically improve the performance of the simple algorithms presented in [28] . The basic idea is to use part of the simulation budget to generate a crude estimate of the optimal scheduler and to use this information to better allocate the remaining budget. We successfully applied our algorithms to a number of standard case studies from the literature. We also highlighted the limitations of our approach.

The algorithms in [28] , [34] find schedulers that minimise or maximise the probability of a property. In [37] we have adapted our algorithms to minimise or maximise the expected reward of a system. This adaptation is not entirely straightforward because the standard definition of reward properties assumes an exhaustive exploration of the state space of the MDP. We have included an implicit hypothesis test to include this assumption. In other respects optimising rewards is less challenging than optimising probabilities because rewards are effectively based on properties having probability 1. We demonstrate the accuracy of our rewards-based algorithms on standard case studies from the literature.

Rare Events in SMC

Rare properties are often highly relevant to system performance (e.g., bugs and system failure are required to be rare) but pose a problem for statistical model checking because they are difficult to observe. Fortunately, rare event techniques such as importance sampling and importance splitting may be successfully applied to statistical model checking.

In a previous work [50] , we explicitly considered the use of importance sampling in the context of statistical model checking. We presented a simple algorithm that uses the notion of cross-entropy to find the optimal parameters for an importance sampling distribution. In contrast to previous work, our algorithm uses a low dimensional vector of parameters to define this distribution and thus avoids the often intractable explicit representation of a transition matrix. We showed that our parametrisation leads to a unique optimum and can produce many orders of magnitude improvement in simulation efficiency. We demonstrated the efficacy of our methodology by applying it to models from reliability engineering and biochemistry.

Our contribution [49] was the first attempt to use importance splitting with SMC to overcome the Rare Event problem. The basic idea is to decompose a logical property into nested properties whose probabilities are easier to estimate. Importance splitting achieves this by estimating a sequence of conditional probabilities, whose product is the required result. To apply this idea to model checking it is necessary to define a score function based on logical properties, and a set of levels that delimit the conditional probabilities. We described the necessary and desirable properties of score functions and levels. We illustrated how a score function may be derived from a property and gave two importance splitting algorithms: one that uses fixed levels and one that discovers optimal levels adaptively.

SMC with Changes and Simulink

We have proposed a new SMC algorithm for detecting probability changes in dynamic systems. We have adapted CUSUM, an algorithm that can be used to detect changes in signal monitoring. We show that CUSUM can be used to detect when the probability to satisfy a given property drops below some value. This algorithm offers new possibilities to detect, e.g., emergent behaviors in dynamic systems. Our main contributions has been to extend temporal logic with a change-based operator.

All these SMC algorithms are implemented in PLASMA-Lab, and have been recently exported to MATLAB/Simulink – a widely used environment for modeling, simulating and analyzing multidomain dynamic systems – through an integration of MATLAB/Simulink and PLASMA-lab. This integration exploit MATLAB Control, a library allowing to interact with MATLAB from Java. We have developed two different methods to link the two environments. The first method includes a new plugin for PLASMA-lab that allows to load and execute Simulink models within PLASMA-lab, and therefore apply SMC algorithms to these models. The second method proposes an application that can be launched directly within MATLAB and provide the PLASMA-Lab SMC algorithms.

We have submitted a paper [41] that presents the new CUSUM algorithm and the integration between PLASMA-Lab and Simulink. In this paper, we apply these results to a case-study developed with Simulink that models a temperature controller of a pig shed. We show how to use PLASMA-Lab to check SMC requirements, perform parameters optimisation and detect failures in the model using the new CUSUM algorithm.


[48] (C)

Statistical model checking (SMC) offers the potential to decide and quantify dynamical properties of models with intractably large state space, opening up the possibility to verify the performance of complex real-world systems. Rare properties and long simulations pose a challenge to this approach, so here we present a fast and compact statistical model checking platform, PLASMA, that incorporates an efficient simulation engine and uses importance sampling to reduce the number and length of simulations when properties are rare. For increased flexibility and ef-ficiency PLASMA compiles both model and property into bytecode that is executed on an in-built memory-efficient virtual machine.

[47] (C)

We present PLASMA-lab, a statistical model checking (SMC) library that provides the functionality to create custom statistical model checkers based on arbitrary discrete event modelling languages. PLASMA-lab is written in Java for maximum cross-platform compatibility and has already been incorporated in various performance-critical software and embedded hardware platforms. Users need only implement a few simple methods in a simulator class to take advantage of our efficient SMC algorithms. PLASMA-lab may be instantiated from the command line or from within other software. We have constructed a graphical user interface (GUI) that exposes the functionality of PLASMA-lab and facilitates its use as a standalone application with multiple 'drop-in' modelling languages. The GUI adds the notion of projects and experiments, and implements a simple, practical means of distributing simulations using remote clients.

[41] (C; submitted)

Statistical Model Checking (SMC) is a powerful and widely used approach that consists in extracting global information on the system by monitoring some of its executions. In this paper, we add two new stones to the cathedral of results on SMC, that are 1. a new algorithm to detect emergent behaviors at runtime, and 2. an integration of Plasma Lab, a powerful SMC checker, as a library of Simulink. Our results are illustrated on a realistic case study.

[26] (C)

In this paper, we make use of the notion of a score function to improve the granularity of a logical property. We show that such a score function may take advantage of heuristics, so long as it also rigorously respects certain properties. To demonstrate our importance splitting approach we present an optimal adaptive importance splitting algorithm and an heuristic score function. We give experimental results that demonstrate a significant improvement in performance over alternative approaches.

[43] (C; submitted)

We introduce feedback-control statistical system checking (FC-SSC), a new approach to statistical model checking that exploits principles of feedback-control for the analysis of cyber-physical systems (CPS). FC-SSC uses stochastic system identification to learn a CPS model, importance sampling to estimate the CPS state, and importance splitting to control the CPS so that the probability that the CPS satisfies a given property can be efficiently inferred. We illustrate the utility of FC-SSC on two example applications, each of which is simple enough to be easily understood, yet complex enough to exhibit all of FC-SCC's features. To the best of our knowledge, FC-SSC is the first statistical system checker to efficiently estimate the probability of rare events in realistic CPS applications or in any complex probabilistic program whose model is either not available, or is infeasible to derive through static-analysis techniques.